About Me

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I have 4 boys (9,8,4, and 21 months). I am pregnant with #5 and it's a GIRL!! We live with my boyfriend in the midwest. After being laid off in January I am now a stay at home mom. I love to write, craft, and read. We are a homeschooling family and some days we love it and some days we don't. I love to find new ideas, crafts, and recipes on pinterest and try them out myself.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Road Trip Day 10

This is blue, my dad's newest puppy. He was a Yorkie Chihuahua mix. SOOOOO cute!

He loved playing with the guitar. The boys got to take the one that got restrung.

So today is day 10, we have 4 days left with our trip. We went and spent a few hours with my dad and then decided it was time to go get the kids a late lunch and do some laundry again and try to find a really good chinese restaurant to satisfy mom and mine desire for chinese food. On the way back from the visit with my dad we found a post office and mailed a few cards and the letters to the hotel we stayed at last. I already wrote a review of the hotel we are in now and we are now noticing things about it that make it less appealing to stay at, but we leave in the morning for mom's next stop- seeing where Elvis lived.
We were told the weather is colder here then normal, so I guess the cold is following us. But then I was told it is cold and raining at home today so I would rather be cooler with sun than cold and rainy!
I got the appointment for S's speech evaluation set up today. He already had the evaluation before we left, but this is to tell me the results and to tell me what services he qualifys for. Hopefully it will be some good news for us and he will get some good services so we can understand him better.
Also got a consultation with a psychologist for B and N set up. We have been trying to find one for over a month and were getting the run around so last night I looked online and found the name of someone and e-mailed and received an e-mail back last night. I e-mailed another question and received a response today so I called today and got the appointment set up and the referral all set up. It feels good to get stuff done even while on vacation!
We decided to do laundry at the hotel, so we called for Chinese delivery. A few places around here wouldn't deliver, but we found one, China Express that did deliver. They took FOREVER getting here, but the food was well worth the wait, it was SO good!!! Even the kids ate thier fried rice and B asked for more!
Now it's time for bed, since we are planning to get up in the am, get ready, have breakfast, pack the car and go, but I am not ready to wind down and go to sleep yet. Found Stomp the Yard 2 on TV, so since we only have DVD's at home (no cable) we have all been enjoying the cable in the hotel. Maybe another reason I can't sleep is this little baby is moving around like a little jumping bean. Thats much better than not moving around tho, since I get worried about that!
Hopefully tomorrow is a good day with nice weather. Checked the weather for at home for the next 10 days and Monday is supposed to be a high of 36. Too bad I cut my maternity pants off into shorts already, guess I jumped that one!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you seemed to have a good time, stay safe on the rest of your trip! Love the pics!
