About Me

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I have 4 boys (9,8,4, and 21 months). I am pregnant with #5 and it's a GIRL!! We live with my boyfriend in the midwest. After being laid off in January I am now a stay at home mom. I love to write, craft, and read. We are a homeschooling family and some days we love it and some days we don't. I love to find new ideas, crafts, and recipes on pinterest and try them out myself.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Road Trip Day 8

Well, Today is our last full day here. We are planning to get up in the morning tomorrow and drive down to Alabama to see my dad. It takes about 5 to 6 hours from here, but if we leave in the morning then we won't have to rush, rush, rush, like we did on the 2 days driving down here. Plus before we leave in the morning we have to find the Dunkin Donuts we saw on the first day coming in here and stop for some donuts!!! Not that I really need donuts from there, but we used to go there when I was little and they had the best donuts, wayyyyyyyy better than Krispie Kreme. Not sure if it is still this way, but it used to be.
Our plans for today are to take the kids to go on their 1 ride around the go cart track and wash the clothes at the laundrymat, clean out the car, and get it all packed up so in the morning we can get ready and eat breakfast and then go. It has been a really fun time here in TN but I myself am ready to go for the next stop and next hotel. Not saying I am ready to go home, because I don't know if the sun is shining there like it has been here or if it is warm there like it is here, but I'm ready to move on. Love all the green, trees, and mountains in TN tho and even tho in my opinion people here don't know how to drive (especially the guy in the red car at Wal-Mart yesterday who drove on the wrong side of the road to pass the cars in the lanes, then at the 3 way stop it was my turn and he cut me off and went anyways and then proceeded to drive thru the RED light!!!!!! ), most people have been really nice and friendly.
Anyway, if we do anything interesting today I will put pics, but not sure the laundrymat is interesting enough to put pictures of tho!!
So we stayed in the room until about 4 pm. The kids all took a nap and so did mom. We went to the Track and the B, N, and S each got 2 rides on the go carts, they all took a few kiddie rides with G and then G rode the swing. All in all they had a blast!!!


  1. Maybe the guy in the red car from walmart will show up at the laundry mat, that should make for some interesting pictures, lol! Enjoy your day guys!

  2. lol no he didn't. When I beeped at him, he put his arm out the window and waved me off. lol, that pissed me off more then he went thru the redlight. Wish I had gotten his license plate number because he is going to cause an accident one of these days!!!

  3. The Kids looked like they had a great time on the rides, so glad they got to go, safe travels!
