About Me

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I have 4 boys (9,8,4, and 21 months). I am pregnant with #5 and it's a GIRL!! We live with my boyfriend in the midwest. After being laid off in January I am now a stay at home mom. I love to write, craft, and read. We are a homeschooling family and some days we love it and some days we don't. I love to find new ideas, crafts, and recipes on pinterest and try them out myself.

Monday, April 23, 2012

To do lists....stupid or helpful?

Some people think to do lists are stupid, a waste of time, and a waste of paper. I personally do not. I love writing out a good to do list when I know I have a lot of phone calls to make or things to do in a day. It helps me see what I need or would like to get done and what I get done as I cross it off.

Some tips:
1. Write your list the night before. I know I get a lot of ideas of what I need to do as I am laying in bed.
2. Cross off what you get done as you do it or highlight what you get done. Do not make your line so dark that you can't read what you wrote. It will help you feel more accomplished at the end of the day.
3. Put the most important things at the top or put stars by them. This way things that don't get done can be carried over for the next day.
4. Make a daily to do list and a weekly to do list seperately so you know what you want to do for the week and what you need to do for the day.

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