About Me

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I have 4 boys (9,8,4, and 21 months). I am pregnant with #5 and it's a GIRL!! We live with my boyfriend in the midwest. After being laid off in January I am now a stay at home mom. I love to write, craft, and read. We are a homeschooling family and some days we love it and some days we don't. I love to find new ideas, crafts, and recipes on pinterest and try them out myself.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just a normal busy day

Well, I missed writing yesterday, so my plan to write everyday went out the window! It was a boring normal day anyway, not much to write about except some news stories that I read about online.
Today we took Lucy, Lucky, and Baby Girl (3 of moms 5 cats) to the vet. She thought they were going to tell her she needed to put them down, but they think Lucy has fluid in the abdomen, Lucky looks fine, and Baby Girl has an infected tooth. So baby girl has to go next week to have her tooth removed. It was an early morning to get up and go but it was worth it for moms peace of mind knowing the cats are for the most part looking good (or better than she thought!). N decided to act up in the car, so he went to moms to take a nap and do his schoolwork (we homeschool) and S, G and I went home to the apartment where S decided he wanted to act like N, so he got sent in for a nap too. Then came lunch time and cleaning up. Then G and S went to moms while I went to the school and had a meeting about S's speech evaluation. He will be receiving services until the end of the school year (May) 2 times a week. The speech therapist at the school referred me to a program that S doesn't qualify for, but he qualifies to see the speech therapist at the hospital over the summer so that is my plan and then he will qualify for services in the school year next year as well. I have to decide if I want to send S to school for preschool or not. Thinking I might, but not sure.
Tonight the plan is to go check out a Tae Kwon Do class for the boys. It says they start at 5 but I am hopeing S will be fine to do it because I think it will benefit him. I read the other day that children with ADHD and conduct disorder (B and N have ADHD) benefit greatly from Tae Kwon Do, so I am really hopeing they will cooperate and join in the class.
Tomorrow is B and N's consultation with the therapist and again I am hopeing that goes well, he wants to work with them/us and that it benefits them and things get better from here on out.
Saturday we are going to a garage sale hopefully around 7 am because they have name brand 0-3 boy and girl clothes for .50 cents each (for G and baby) and s-xl name brand womens clothes for $1 each (for mom).
Also spent time today on pinterest and got the idea to try to make a new cover for the carseat that G had as a baby for the new baby. I plan to take off the cover that was his and use it for a pattern. We shall see how it goes, since I am not a real whiz with the sewing machine but have enjoyed turning pants into shorts and hemming up pants for the boys.

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