So, had B and N to the therapist today. It went alright and he seemed like an ok guy and we set up to see him again but he only wants to see B for now, and I really want both boys seen so things can start going right with both of them. I am thinking he isn't the right person for us, but before I cancel the appt. I am going to make another call Monday morning to another place to get something set up, either way I am done being in denial. The guy asked today what my ultimate goal was for the boys and I told him the truth, to have them listen and behave so they can have a happy and healthy life. What mother doesn't want her children to grow up happy and healthy and be able to be productive adults. They are good kids. The just have some issues. I have tried the best I know how, but obviously something went wrong somewhere- but it is never too late. We all really liked the Tae Kwon Do lessons last night and I really feel like that will be a huge help for B and N. I think S needs to wait a while to do them, but I think B and N can learn a lot from the instructor and he seems really nice and they had a lot of fun when he showed them some moves.
Other than that it was a normal day, pretty boring. We did go garage saleing tonight. We got 2 sales and they were both pretty small with nothing extraordinary, but we all came out pleased. B got a small stack of material for .25 cents. He got a book from the library on how to sew, so that is a goal in the next month to start sewing lessons for him. G found a toy that says the alphabet when you push the letters and you can write on it. S found some water guns and a wallet. And we found a pair of snowpants for S for next year. Hopefully the garage sale tomorrow morning will yeild more finds. Love this season!
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