About Me

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I have 4 boys (9,8,4, and 21 months). I am pregnant with #5 and it's a GIRL!! We live with my boyfriend in the midwest. After being laid off in January I am now a stay at home mom. I love to write, craft, and read. We are a homeschooling family and some days we love it and some days we don't. I love to find new ideas, crafts, and recipes on pinterest and try them out myself.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

More garage sale finds

Another day of garage sales and B's big find was a brand new kite for .75 cents and it was a nice windy day when we got done so he went outside at mom's and flew it.
Found G 2 summer outfits, hopefully they aren't too big for him!

The 0-3 month clothes I got for the baby.

3-6 month clothes for baby.

6-9 month outfit for baby.

 Probaby my best find of the day was this preschool-1st grade English-Spanish language learning kit. It was marked at 15.99 on the front sticker. The sticker on the back said new retail is 44.99 and I paid 5 dollars. The DVD's, flash cards, books, and workbook are all still sealed in the packaging.

This is my newest kitchen wall hanging. I paid .50 cents.
S's big .50 cent find today was this mask. He wore it almost constantly since he bought it this morning.

Out of everyone N made out the best. He went with no money and found the little lighthouse and the light up sword/wand thing in the free box at one sale. He was very happy with his finds- as he should be!

My total price for the day's stuff I found was $16.70. I thought it was a pretty good deal for a pretty good day's worth of finds. We hit about 5-6 rummages, none of which were too big or held too many treasures for us. I can't wait until the season really opens up and we find more great deals!

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