About Me

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I have 4 boys (9,8,4, and 21 months). I am pregnant with #5 and it's a GIRL!! We live with my boyfriend in the midwest. After being laid off in January I am now a stay at home mom. I love to write, craft, and read. We are a homeschooling family and some days we love it and some days we don't. I love to find new ideas, crafts, and recipes on pinterest and try them out myself.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Car Seat Recover Before

Ok, so it has been 5 days since my last post. My plan to post everyday seriously went out the window this time! I have so much I could blog about and just didn't feel like writing anything so I didn't. Anyway, my newest project that I am working on is recovering the carseat I used for G. By the time my lil princess is out of it, it will have about a year before the seat itself expires so I figured I might as well get more use out of it before then, but I didn't want a boy pattern for my one and only girl.
So, I got so far as taking the cover apart. And I pinned it to the new material as a pattern and cut the new material out and got it all sewn together, but now, I am questioning my material choice. So back to the store I go to buy some different material. After I take it all apart again I will be ready to try again, I will post more pictures as I do the next steps.

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