About Me

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I have 4 boys (9,8,4, and 21 months). I am pregnant with #5 and it's a GIRL!! We live with my boyfriend in the midwest. After being laid off in January I am now a stay at home mom. I love to write, craft, and read. We are a homeschooling family and some days we love it and some days we don't. I love to find new ideas, crafts, and recipes on pinterest and try them out myself.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Family Binder

Ok, I first got the idea for a family binder from the FlyLady book I got from my mom for Christmas 2 years ago. I ended up disassembling it and now that our family is getting bigger I thought it would be a good idea to stay organized.

For me this contact to therapist page is a good one because I started contacting therapists years ago and forgot about them until recently. Until I find one I think will work with our family this will be a good way to keep track of who/what/when type of thing.
Contact to Therapists Family Binder

This is a good one for the first 2 years of life. Babies go to the Dr. for a lot of appointments and it is easy to lose the information or forget it, when it is in one place it can be looked at for reference and can later be transferred into the baby album.
.Baby Appointments Family Binder

Ok, my older 2 have behavioral issues and I did temperment things on them when they were younger. The temperment pages were very long and time consuming, so this is kind of my version. I would highly recommend this if you notice your child has behavioral issues (besides normal behavioral things kids go through) to track them and bring them up to the Dr.
Behavioral Issues Page 1 and 2 Family Binder

My state does not require a yearly homeschool report, but for me, this is helpful to make sure I remember what they did throughout the year and what books/workbooks they used. It also allows me to show progress they have made and things they could use some work on.
Homeschool Yearly Report (elementary years)

With so many news stories about missing women, kids, people, these ID pages (one for each member of the family, even adults- hay you could even make one for the pets by tweaking it a bit) are very handy.
ID page family binder

I know for myself, having had my older 2 children on medication in the past, I do not remember which one was on what stuff at what dose and how long they were on it. I was recently asked and couldn't remember, so for me this page is a good one to have in the binder because I can look at it to reference it later as needed.
Medication Family Binder

Ok, again with the baby tracking page, when you are pregnant, whether or not you have other kids, you tend to forget a lot of things, having this sheet allows you to keep track of your appointments and save it for reference. Once baby is born you could shred it or save it for the baby album.
Pregnancy Tracker Family Binder

Ok, over the years I have had my kids (esp. my older 2) to several specialists and I have no idea who or what or when. I thought this would be a good page to have as a reference.
Specialists Seen Family Binder

I have been keeping on top of appointments lately and trying to schedule the needed ones (eye dr. and dentist appts) and it is very hard to remember everyones information of when they last went and when they are supposed to go again. For me, this will be a huge help having in my family binder.
Yearly Appointments Age 2 and up Family Binder

This one is good when the little (or big ones) are sick, because if you have had sick children and you take them to the Dr. you know they ask what meds have been given. If you give them tylenol or ibuprofin to help with fever, it is a good reference to know the dose and time right on the page without having to not only worry about your sick little one but try to remember what you gave when.
yearly I'm sick form family binder

These are just some of the pages I made for my own binder. I also made a calendar with appointments, a list of important phone numbers (but I couldn't get the formatting right to add it on here!), and an exercise plan to try to keep myself on track until delivery.
I also plan to include much more in my family album, as one album I saw on pinterest had birth certificates for each family member, social security cards, family photo page (then and now), family emergency plan, etc. Really the posibilities in a family binder are endless. I hope if you decide to create one you have as much fun as I am!

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